Wednesday, November 28, 2018


                                 In problem solving we are learning proportions and ratios
                                 I can solve problems like : On the weekend, Tylah made a chocolate cake. If flour made up 65% of the mixture what percentage of the cake is not flour? 

   65% +  =100%
    95%+5%=100%                 35% is the answer


Friday, November 23, 2018

Water safety

Do stay calm
When you are climbing up onto the boat hold onto the top
 When in group and someone spots an island stay together a as group

Don't swim off if you see a island if you are in a group
Don't go under the boat if it tips
Don't panic and drown

 When you do swimming with a small boat you want to have a even amount of people on the same side. And when you drop you want to hold your nose and mouth so it does not go up your mouth and nose

Friday, October 26, 2018


On Tuesday we did athletics and it was amazing on a really hot day. First we did long distance, it was a real challenge but I got thru and I did my best and I was proud of myself. Next we did sprints I was the last race and I came second every race that means I did not get thru to the final because you needed to come first one race and Bronson came first every race. I congratulated him.

I had a good athletics day. 


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Production "The Journey"

The Journey

Sweat and nerves filled my body. I could hear the crowd cheering as Argentina dominated their dance.It looked as if they were really having a great time in Argentina. As soon as they were going to the back of the hall the clap of the audience started to fill the hall like they were loving the production as soon as the audience stopped clapping the curtains closed.
And then they opened after the chasing I could hear the beat filling the entire hall I could see the audience.
Staring at the stage like they did not know if we did not come on but then Renan came on and I could start to smell the lights as soon as I got on stage I got so hot like it was forty one degrees.
As soon as Renan came on they knew we were Brazil it was the best time of my life.

I like having productions because we can celebrate different cultures and places. I hope I can do one again.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Visual Maths

This is a photo of Anya and I looking at a visual maths graph and this graph is about food they like and food they don't  like. So they did not like rice and ice and they had hot sauce as a hot food.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Maths Talk at Hoon Hay School

At our school we work with a maths mate and share our thinking with them. We ask questions about our maths and if we aren't sure of something, we explain how we do it. We know that 2 brains are often better than one and we enjoy working collaboratively. 
Today Anya and I worked on solving this problem by doubling the 16.

Emily-Rose hung out 6 loads of washing for her Mum. Each load contained 16 items of clothing. How many items of clothing did she hang out?.                                                                          

Today we did maths and me and Anya solved 16 groups of 6 and we used this strategy and or answer is ninety six how would you solve this problem? and what answer would you get

Friday, June 15, 2018

Museum Visit

I went to the museum with my class. We learnt about solar energy.  First we went in to the
room were we got to play around.  My favourite bit was when we went to play in the part were you
got to run on the track and see how much how many days it would take to run to the moon. Then I went to look at the virtual reality where you could see the planets . Then we went to the classroom and
built a go cart and mine and my groups could fly and it could ram into other cars. Its name was Gangster. It had high back wheels so when it fell over we would flip the solar panel and then it would drive
It had propellers so if it was windy but still but still sunny it could fly.  But when we worked together
it turned out as one. We had the demonstration so we kind of had some help but I am happy  to do that .
They are happy so I loved It!
 me and my group at the museum and the car that we made 

   my wakahuia that holds the chiefs feathers and I made it.   

Thursday, May 10, 2018


My first activity was the go-karts.  I went second and I went over
one hundred  km per hour. At the end we did a medal announcement  for 
the fastest around the course at 4 laps. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


In writing I have used a poem by James K. Baxter as a starting point to write my own holiday poem. I hope you like it.

Quinn’s James K Baxter Poem
Robinson’s Bay was usual enough;
It had a sea, and kayaks and even a caravan.
My friends, family and I did what people do  
paddle boarding, swimming, jumping off the raft Reuben and I were on

Doing nothing important

Friday, March 16, 2018

koru art

Koru Art

Here is my koru art based on the work of Raewyn Harris, a New Zealand artist.
You can look at her work by clicking on this link. I like the ?? I have used. 
What kind of art do you like? Feel free to leave a comment about what you think.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Welcome to my 2018 Blog.

This year I am in Te Kanawa's Marae - Room 15 and my teacher’s name is Mrs Peterson. 

I am very excited to share my learning journey with you this year

I will be posting at least every fortnight so please check my blog regularly.

Feel free to enter your email into the “Follow by Email” gadget on the right hand side and you will get an email every time there is a new post on my blog.

Please feel free to leave a comment on my posts to help me with my learning.
